Well our first season of selling seed garlic has come and gone. Thanks to everyone who dropped by the site to ask questions and place seed garlic orders! In spite of a few set backs, it was gratifying to see this undertaking worked well enough to keep going. And keep going to we will! As a new business there was much to learn, and we look forward to incorporating those lessons to improve the availability and quality of our seed garlic. To accommodate greater volumes and stick, as best we can, to a four year crop rotation I expanded the growing space for next seasons crop of seed garlic.
We should have significantly more Red Russian seed garlic next season too. With luck, this is what the new seed stock will look like.
This was also our first experience as an e-business. We also look forward to incorporating what we learned in that realm to improve the site and our online visibility. I am not much of a social media guy, but that will have to change. So stayed tuned for more regular updates both on the blog and our Facebook site. Heck, we might even get our butt in gear and get onto Instagram too!
In the meantime folks. Be kind. Be calm, Be safe And plan for better times ahead. Good things? They will come. You just have to wait a little while.
I see your Red Russian is for sale at The Old Farm Market? Well done. I hope it is yours since I bought a couple!